Aroma ARC-1033E Rice Cooker

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Aroma ARC-1033E Commercial 60-Cup Rice Cooker

Product Description

Save time and energy with this 30-cup commercial rice cooker from Aroma. Just add water, push a button and walk away! It automatically senses when rice is finished and switches to keep warm mode, leaving you free to work in the kitchen--or anywhere else. The heavy duty lid and nonstick cooking pot are designed for continuous use and maximum durability so you can count of batch after batch of perfect, fluffy rice for years to come. Includes measuring cup and serving spatula.
Save time and energy with this 60-cup commercial rice cooker from Aroma. Just add water, push a button and walk away! It automatically senses when rice is finished and switches to keep warm mode, leaving you free to work in the kitchen--or anywhere else. The heavy duty lid and nonstick cooking pot are designed for continuous use and maximum durability so you can count of batch after batch of perfect, fluffy rice for years to come. Includes measuring cup and serving spatula.

Product Features

  • Prepares up to 60 cups of perfectly cooked rice (30 cups uncooked)
  • Heavy-duty stainless steel lid and durable body; designed for continuous commercial use
  • Switches automatically to warm mode once rice has cooked to perfection
  • Electronic control panel is simple to operate
  • Nonstick inner cooking pot removes for easy cleanup
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